Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Wait and See..

I suppose I should be used to waiting after 2 years of being in the process with Ethiopia.  But it is exponentially more difficult here - without the physical presence of my husband, children, family, friends.  And to be so close, and not know what is coming tomorrow...
Yesterday was a much better day.  I was very excited.  Today I am moving forward, but remain guarded.  I cannot help myself - I get ahead to emotionally, imagining what the next day can bring, that setbacks always seem to surprise me. 
Yesterday began with another visit with the Ugandan agency CARE.  We also met with the social worker, J., that I had been emailing and speaking with in the US.  While initially they had decided that they would not work with me because I was independant, the lawyer V. has encouraged them to continue to work with us.  She has agreed to be the one to research the agencies we have used in the States - to make sure they are certified and accredited (they are).  But really she has encouraged them based on our meeting - that she connected with me and with Paul over 2 small but very important things.  That she feels confident in our moral and ethical choices for wanting to adopt.  So while 2 days ago I felt very stupid for coming all the way to Africa without knowing some basic facts about this agency, by yesterday I felt that there is no way they would have even considered working with me had we not meet face to face.  The director of CARE even told me that she would like to work with me, but needed to make sure they were setting good precidents, etc.  Which I understand - although of course, I don't want that to apply to ME.  So because of some good feeling, our lawyer is investigating on our behalf and reccomending us to this agency.  So today I wait.  I will get a text message sometime today to let me know what they have decided.  I am trying to brace myself for the possibility that even though we check out, the agency may go back to their first decision of not working with independents.  Positive thoughts, people.
We went to another reputable Babies' Home (as they are called here) - but that orphanage has shut down its' waiting list completely. 
There is such a focus on the international adoption community right now.  The agency CARE had CNN cameras in its facilities just last week.  There are concerns about the children of Africa being swept away to other countries.  The first priority is to reconnect the orphans to some living family.  Then try to find them a home with a non-related Ugandan family.  The last option is International Adoption.  And yet, it seems to be more about the resources needed to find out the child's background than any lack of need.  So the agencies who are very good are being extra careful.  Those agencies who are truly selling orphans - well, let's all hope they get shut down.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling more positive. You're doing a great job all by yourself and I wish I was with you for physical and moral support. Love Jenn xx

  2. What a roller coaster! Hang in there. I am sending you a big hug from DC. Love you!!

  3. Sending you loads and loads of positive thoughts!! xoxo Love, B
